DPP PIGMENTS DYES Invented in the early age 1980's, these DPP pigments are small but considered as very important group of synthetic pigments. The intense Light fastness property was gradually developed in these pigments synthetically. The types of currently present DPP Pigments are:
*.Scarlet category
*.Red category
*.Carmine category
*.Shade Orange category
Hybrid pigments are also a type of DPP Pigments. These pigments are produced by crystallizing Pyrroles with Quinacridones. Structure of DPP Pigments Pyrroles have also been crystallized with quinacridones to produce hybrid pigments (PR N/A). The differences in colors in different kinds of DPP Pigments are due to the differences in the atom hanging symmetrically on the both hands of the molecules Properties of DPP Pigments Coloristic Properties
There is a wide range of color shade and opacity available due to DPP pigments. These pigments are extremely pure and have a nice shade. The color strength of these pigments are also very good.
Resistance properties
These DPP Pigments show very high resistance against light, heat and any type of change in position of atoms within a molecule of these pigments fastness. These pigments have also excellent resistant power against weather. Apart from this, these are very much heat stable and have high color strength and saturation Application of DPP Pigments DPP Pigments produce large range of colors that are widely used in various applications. These large range of colors are possible due to the simple selection of different constituents on the phenyl rings. These pigments can be converted into soluble form through derivatisation methods. Thus, these pigments can be applied in the soluble form. Then, the derivatizing group is removed from the soluble form of these pigments. After removing the derivatizing group from the solution, the desired pigments are left there. This method increases the applicability of these DPP Pigments. DPP Pigments are high performance pigments and are mostly used for highest quality automotive coating. Gen Next Developments: *.A Multilayer CLC system
*.Doping of the CLC pigment
*.Very High process speeds of 100 ft/min
*.Smart Pigments that has controlled shape
*.Ultrathin CLC pigments
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